Formulation and In- Vitro Evaluation of Tolperisone HCl Buoyant Tablet

Asfak Meman*, A D Patel, K R Patel, M R Patel

Department of Pharmaceutics, ShriB.M.Shah College of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Arvali, Gujarat, India

Ethno medicinal, pharmacological properties and Chemistry of Fabaceae Family

Birjatinder Singh*

Department of pharmaceutical
sciences Guru Nanak Dev
University, Amritsar, Punjab, India

A comparative phytochemical screening of various plants of India

Dinesh Singh*, Gopal Garg

Department of Pharmaceutical science and research center, Bhagwant University Ajmer , Ajmer, Rajsthan, India

A review on in vivo and in vitro methods used for screening antioxidant activity

Manpreet Kaur*, Satwinder Kaur, Amandeep Kaur

G. H. G. Khalsa College of Pharmacy, GurusarSadhar, Ludhiana, Punjab, India

A review on: Transdermal patches for pain management

 Mamta Yadav*

Bansal College Of Pharmacy,
Kokta. Anand Nagar, Bhopal,
(MP), India.

Evaluation of antifungal activity of Lageneria Siceraria seeds for ringworm infection

Vinay Jaiswal*, Laxmi Banjare

Department of Pharmacy,
Annamalai University
Annamalai Nagar, Tamil
Nadu, India